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Austin tailgates and advice


Bucks, good luck this weekend, no injuries!

I thought i'd drop a line for visitors next weekend.

1. Austin is smoke free, so find a bar with a outside terrace if u smoke.
2. If your sneaking booze into the game, best to walk in 10-15 minutes before game begins with the crowd. Purses will be checked and you may be patted down, but if you walk in with the masses, booze on back, your probably ok.
3. Around halftime, you'll see many UT fans leaving the stadium. Alumni Center is across the street on the west side of the stadium. A halftime beer, cocktail, margarita is a must. Also, this is a good spot to meet before the game. Many TV's with the games on throughout the place.
4. Stubbs is located on red river near many very weird bars. best to walk 2 blocks to 6th street where they are only weird bars.Toosheas Bar on 6th has a "flaming dr pepper" shot thats a must
5. Tailgating is a cluster f*ck, with people tailgating all around the stadium, in parking garages and between buildings. For visitors, i recommend south of stadium and a visit to Scholtz's bar( san jacinto &17th). Its owned or was owned by Steve McMichael of Bears, very cool bar where lots of media/radio will be. There are a few parking lots around san jacinto &18th to Texas History Museum (just south of mlk) that are good tailgating spots.
6. While there are many places for partying, 6th street between i-35 and east of congress will be happening from thursday afternoon til sunday 2am. There are some more laid back bars on 6th street 1/2 mile west of congress. 4th and 5th street west of congress is called the warehouse district, a bit older crowd and less weirdos.
7. Frank Erwin Center, Buckeye pre-game, is known as " The Drum ". It's on MLK and i-35, looks like a drum, easy to find. Due west of the Drum is good taigating areas and Scholtz's.
8. Best to call Roy's Taxi 512-482-0000 or yellow cab 512-452-9999 if boozing. Austin has many one ways and short ramps where u can get in trouble if unfamiliar and boozing.
9. Try Shiner Bock, Lonestar, and all Mexican Beers. All good if you are unfamiliar
10. People are diverse, 1/3 will not know a football game is going on. You'll see some a-holes, but most will just be welcoming and will want everyone to have a good time.

Hope some of this helps.

See Yall soon,

3. Around halftime, you'll see many UT fans leaving the stadium. Alumni Center is across the street on the west side of the stadium. A halftime beer, cocktail, margarita is a must. Also, this is a good spot to meet before the game. Many TV's with the games on throughout the place.
Very different from Ohio Stadium where you're not allowed to leave and re-enter. I don't know if something like that would catch on at OSU because most like to watch the band at halftime, but it does sound like a fun thing to do at the half. Good luck to you guys against North Texas, not that you'll need it.:biggrin:
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Awesome, thanks for the info! I'll definitely be at Stubbs on gameday and at St. Jo-...I mean Frank Erwin Center :wink: for the Skull Session. This will be a kickass weekend, regardless of if we win or lose. Shiner Bock is also very tasty beverage.
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3. Around halftime, you'll see many UT fans leaving the stadium. Alumni Center is across the street on the west side of the stadium. A halftime beer, cocktail, margarita is a must. Also, this is a good spot to meet before the game. Many TV's with the games on throughout the place.

That's too bad. Script Ohio will be performed at halftime. At least the Buckeyes in attendance will enjoy it.

9. Try Shiner Bock, Lonestar, and all Mexican Beers. All good if you are unfamiliar

I picked up some Shiner from the gas station here in Cbus. I don't see what the attraction is.
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I don't want to offend anybody with what may sound like a sales pitch. Moderators please take this down if I'm out of line, but my brother and I are originally from Ohio and we have a nice little Italian restaurant and bar just a couple blocks off I-35 in Temple, which is about 65 miles north of Austin. We have a bunch of Ohio friends coming in for the big weekend with a party planned for Friday night. So if you are looking for somewhere "Buckeye-friendly" to stop please (start EDIT) send me a PM so I can refer you to our website (end EDIT). But don't try to find us here on the 9th. We'll be in Austin. BTW- the original post has excellent info, most of which I can confirm and some new to me that will be very useful. Thanks!
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I don't want to offend anybody with what may sound like a sales pitch. Moderators please take this down if I'm out of line, but my brother and I are originally from Ohio and we have a nice little Italian restaurant and bar just a couple blocks off I-35 in Temple, which is about 65 miles north of Austin. We have a bunch of Ohio friends coming in for the big weekend with a party planned for Friday night. So if you are looking for somewhere "Buckeye-friendly" to stop please check out our website for more info at
www.sorge-s.com. But don't try to find us here on the 9th. We'll be in Austin. BTW- the original post has excellent info, most of which I can confirm and some new to me that will be very useful. Thanks!

65 miles north of austin? that's quite a hike! Too bad it wasn't closer to austin!
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San Antonio is about 70 miles, about an hour fifteen to Austin. Gotta go to downtown San Antonio n check out the riverwalk, its a good time!

Thanks for the reply! according to my other family members that we are meeting up with in san antonio, the hotel we're staying at thurs. night is right by the riverwalk. so i'm sure we'll be checking that out! Then off to downtown austin friday!!! I am getting soooo excited, can't wait!

:horse: let's just pretend the horse is a longhorn! hehe
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The word is they're expecting 40000 Ohioans are headed this way and we figured some may stay as far away as Temple, or at least be passing through. And I guess we've grown accustomed to not giving a second thought to driving an hour to do something.

Yes, i guess you're right! I guess i'm just a lucky one that gets to stay in downtown austin near all the fun!!! Hope many "ohioans" find their way to your restaurante:osu:
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