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tBBC Are You Not Entertained? Illinois


Are You Not Entertained? Illinois
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
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(Urban wants to you be entertained, but keep the noise level down)

It’s a win.

That’s what it’s all about.

I could sit here and talk about the eye test, the need to pound pansies and how the offense allegedly is not what it was last year.

But no.

I’m going to avoid the superlatives and all that other cliché-laden stuff about Ohio State football. At this point in the season, all the Buckeyes need to do is keep winning.

I’m sure Clemson fans aren’t complaining about a 10-point win at Syracuse, which started a freshman quarterback. Notre Dame fans are probably fine with the 21-point win. Oklahoma State escaped in Ames.

So let’s be happy with the dominating defensive performance and a 25-point win.


It’s good to be back.
Both J.T. Barrett and I had the week off. Not for the same reason. I was in Orlando visiting the mouse. Barrett … well. Ya know. But we are both back and ready for Illinois. It’s a key week for the Buckeyes as this is a final tune up before stuff gets real with games against the Michigan Sisters.

So without any further ado here is my weekly report on what we all want to see.

A win: Always.
Offense: I wanted 500 total yards. Not quite.
J.T. being J.T.: He ran the offense OK. But too many turnovers.
A quick start: It would have been a quick start but replay was an idiot.
Defense: OSU Crushed the Orange.

Mali Buckeye
All cylinders: Not so much. How about a better offensive performance Saturday when it counts?.
Lots at steak: Not sure Zeke is going to take the slobs out to dinner this week. Not sure the OL deserves it either.
Oh tight end, where art thou? Still searching.
For kicks: We need a kicker. There. I said it.
Shell, sweet shell: It’s staying in the 614!

A win: No need to let up at this point in the season.
No injuries: No need to explain. I think we’re OK.
No turnovers: Oopsie.
No penalties: Double oopsie.

Big win: Depending on one’s definition. I like a 25-point win. Others may not.
No injures: Just one that I know of.
Miller time: The coaches were clearly holding him back.
Carry Illibuck: How’s next Thursday?

Big, big win: It didn’t explode. But a 25-point win is a 225-point win.
No injuries: As I’ve said, I think just the one.
Pass more: The passing game was rather pedestrian, other than a 9.2 per pass average. But when OSU can run for 283 yards, who needs to pass?
No looking ahead: They were focused, but I think the coaches were holding back a little.

Silence: J.T. Barrett’s passing wasn’t Heisman-worthy but I don’t think anyone will be mentioning the OVI too often.
Break the record: Not really close. Maybe if his first half was as big as the second half.
Thank you sir, may I have another? Michael Thomas had a 6-76-1 line. He is clearly on a roll.
Bring home the trophy: Yeah baby!
WVa Buckeye
Dominate: Other than not achieving 250 passing yards and some offensive gaffes … The defense was awesome.
Ezekiel statement: Zeke had a huge second half and carried OSU.
Make it hurt: Defense, yes. Offense? Not so much. After moving at will on the first drive, OSU’s offensive line was weak.

The post Are You Not Entertained? Illinois appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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