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Search results

  1. Screwed by Mediacom

    Ok, so what--I only worked there since January 9--there is a little thing called ethics--I can't think of a more unethical way to treat your employees. Plus I was going to be cleared to do at least pre-calls to customers at the start of the new year--and they couldn't wait!? Furthermore, I was...
  2. Screwed by Mediacom

    I worked for Mediacom Cable Company in Des Moines, IA until recently when I received a certified letter that I was being let go. This was a complete shocker to me since I was out on Workers Compensation because of an accident I had working for them--at no fault of my own I might add. I was just...
  3. Should Michigan get a shot at the National Championship game?

    The Bucks won--bring on whoever else is worthy! :osu: :smash: I have read all this technical, intense dribble about a possible re-match and I agree with Buck808--it was put up or shut up and they Michigan failed to hit the mark! Now, historically that means that the Pac-Ten, The SEC, The ACC or...
  4. Should Michigan get a shot at the National Championship game?

    The Bucks won--bring on whoever else is worthy! I have read all this technical, intense dribble about a possible re-match and I agree with Buck808--it was put up or shut up and they Michigan failed to hit the mark! Now, historically that means that the Pac-Ten, The SEC, The ACC or The Big East...
  5. Why do most people want a REMATCH?! OSU has proven they can beat Michigan

    I don't get it. The Bucks have already won the Big Ten--going straight through the illustrious Wolverines--I say it's time to prove it to the rest of the country--we are no fluke. A rematch would still have people saying "what if." Things like what if the Bucks had played USC--perhaps USC could...
  6. Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

    How Much Dirt Will Henne Eat Tomorrow? As Elusive as Henne has been this year--he has not come up against a defense like the Bucks can dish out--I predict he will eat about a 5 gallon bucket's worth of dirt--as he will see the ground more than the sky--or be looking up at the sky more than his...