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  1. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    Good Game! it was a fun weekend, sucks to lose, but you guys deserved the game. I thought we were a little conservative on offense, and that fumble on the 2 killed us. Saw many Buckeyes, bought plenty of beer, and had a good time. Now run the table! Good Luck the rest of the season Hook'em
  2. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    Austin= 70 degrees , breezy right now beware of da heat!
  3. Austin tailgates and advice

    San Antonio is about 70 miles, about an hour fifteen to Austin. Gotta go to downtown San Antonio n check out the riverwalk, its a good time!
  4. Austin tailgates and advice

    Bucks, good luck this weekend, no injuries! I thought i'd drop a line for visitors next weekend. 1. Austin is smoke free, so find a bar with a outside terrace if u smoke. 2. If your sneaking booze into the game, best to walk in 10-15 minutes before game begins with the crowd. Purses will be...