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Search results

  1. Fall Practice 2006

    Is fall practice open to the public? I'll be in Columbus August 9th and might be interested in checking it out. If so, where is it at and at what time will it run?
  2. Notre Dame (football only discussion)

    They beat MSU in 2002 and 2004. :ohwell:
  3. Ohio State - Student Experiences

    Thanks for the thoughts everyone, I'd love to hear what others could add.
  4. Ohio State - Student Experiences

    Sports Management/Marketing (name is different at each school). I think it's called Sports Leadership/Humanities at OSU, but I don't have much info on it yet. I know their grad. school is exceptional in this department though , so I figure undergrad is similar. Thanks
  5. Ohio State - Student Experiences

    Hello, This post is geared toward the people who have attended Ohio State as a student. I'm a junior in high school way out in Southern California. I am hoping to leave the state for school, and Ohio State is one of the schools I am looking at. Obviously, I do not have any personal...