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  1. FYI about Penn State

    http://bwi.rivals.com/showmsg.asp?fid=36&tid=72227036&sid=&style=2 Looks like the injury isn't quite as serious as first thought.
  2. FYI about Penn State

    I think the staff is just taking it slow with Hunt rather than he is in serious danger of missing any action in '06. While he is still hurting from the injury, high ankle sprains usually take awhile to recover from, the staff just doesn't want to risk further injury to a proven back like Hunt...
  3. Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    As the name implies, I am not a Buckeye and instead a Nittany Lion. I was born in and lived in Scranton, PA but have been living in Connecticut for over a decade. I live, eat and breathe Penn State sports (Football, basketball, baseball mostly). I'm just here to read about what's going on in...