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  1. NFL Players by Conference/School/State

    or his 2 or 3 injuries and 7 years of college probobly helped
  2. Most arrogant fans ever?

    I never realized you cant be a fan if you, your family or someone you know doesnt go to the school
  3. Most arrogant fans ever?

    Im sorry Mr Perfect
  4. Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    Might wanna throw NCAA Bowl trips on there
  5. Most arrogant fans ever?

    And yet nothing like this happens in Buckeye country?? gimme a break, anywhere you go people talk shit its the nature of the beast
  6. Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    Im not sure if youre saying Weis or the fans are whining... Im sure a lot of us fans are, Im not because we just flat out got outplayed in that game, and what Weis said sure shouldnt be taken as whining, the only comment he made was on the field after the call he said " they better have gotten...
  7. Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    He is suing because of malpractice that made it worse and almost killed him
  8. Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    No, not really, we held onto the ones when we knew wed get smacked in the mouth, it was the easy open ones that got dropped
  9. Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    no offense, buckeye corners did do better than I expected, but we dropped a TON of passes
  10. Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    ND Fan here Congrats on the win... just wanna make a couple comments 1.) I didnt see any postgame, but if the comment weis made about saying youre boys upstairs better be right because that was THE game... or whatever he said, is whining then gimme a break.. he had a point, that was a...