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  1. Game Thread Ohio State at Oklahoma, 09/17/16 @ 9:00pm ET, FOX

    Cris Carter used to make some amazing catches. But I agree - that was one of the best that I have ever seen. Noah Brown is an amazing athlete...
  2. Game Thread Ohio State at Oklahoma, 09/17/16 @ 9:00pm ET, FOX

    What a catch! That is a SportsCenter Play of the day!
  3. Game Thread Ohio State at Oklahoma, 09/17/16 @ 9:00pm ET, FOX

    The speed on our defense is awesome!
  4. Game Thread Ohio State at Oklahoma, 09/17/16 @ 9:00pm ET, FOX

    Ouch. Hopefully that isn't a serious injury for Conley...
  5. Game Thread Ohio State at Oklahoma, 09/17/16 @ 9:00pm ET, FOX

    I'm sure that Urban chewed the kickoff coverage team's asses. That coverage was more like it!
  6. Game Thread Ohio State at Oklahoma, 09/17/16 @ 9:00pm ET, FOX

    Wow - that replay is crazy. Dropping the ball before getting to the end zone...
  7. Game Thread tOSU vs. Western M*ch*g*n, Sep 26 2015 @ 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN2

    Their coach is a real tool. Really "Give it your best howl"
  8. Game Thread tOSU vs. Western M*ch*g*n, Sep 26 2015 @ 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN2

    Nice pump fake by Cardale. Holy shit - can Marshall get any more open???
  9. Game Thread tOSU vs. Western M*ch*g*n, Sep 26 2015 @ 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN2

    Great block! Our special teams this year are outstanding!
  10. Game Thread tOSU vs. Northern Illinois, Sat 9/19 @ 3:30pm ET, ABC/ESPN2

    Wow - they don't want to win this game either