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  1. Vegas Anyone?

    I'll be at Mandalay Bay Saturday night watching the game betting my mortgage on the Bucks. If anyone is going to be up that way let me know and we can have a beer toast before the game. :osu:
  2. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Just Billboard Material.... is the reason they are taking it out of context. They are trying any way to get the shorthorns fired up.....it will do no good once the lights are turned on in the shoe and the shorthorns get shellshocked. :osu:
  3. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Vince Young...... is overrated, you guys are correct. Vince Young is a runner first, passer third. Shut down the run, force Young to throw and the Buck's D will get 2 - 3 turnovers with ease. A good example is when NFL teams shadow Michael Vick, he is forced to throw and loses ball games, same...