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Search results

  1. 2001 OSU at TSUN - 2x Divx (avi) files

    I'm not sure if you got a chance to seed. but it started downloading but then fizzled out. please advise.
  2. 2001 OSU at TSUN - 2x Divx (avi) files

    please seed Thanks for posting the torrent. Can someone please seed the file for me? Much appreciated.
  3. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    Bit Comet works the same way. keep the files in the transfer window and hit start on them. If you haven't moved the files then it will keep seeding them. Also, anyone know of a 2001 scUM torrent?
  4. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    Thanks for the 06 ScUM and the Texas game. It was a nice break to watch those during the off season. I am seeding them for anyone who still needs a football fix before kickoff on the 2nd. Also I was wondering if there is a torrent for the 01 ScUM. Let me know.
  5. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    I guess its alright. I'm going on vacation for a few weeks so I'll just leave it on and hopfully it'll be done when I return.
  6. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    The connection fizzled out. Did your computer reboot or something?
  7. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    Thank you much!
  8. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    I'm trying to get the 05 scUM game but there seem to be no seeders. Please help. and by help I mean please seed. :)
  9. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    If you cannot afford the airport you'll probably park on west campus and take a shuttle to the stadium. Or you can try to see if students will sell you their spot. I sold my spot last year, however this year I have moved a bit too far from the stadium to make it worth my while. Be careful though...