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Search results

  1. J. Hall, C. (Pittsburgh) Brown, and T. Howard reinstated for Miami

    Why and how does Gene Smith still have a job right now????
  2. OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

    That would be a major blow though for this year's team...
  3. OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

    The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Fall Practice Insider: Big News from Camp
  4. Pop Machines... where can I buy one?

    Well... I suppose the sheep probably have no idea why the farmer keeps collecting their poo and throwing it in the fields.... that's an awful lot of work to go through just to grow some weeds he's just going to cut down anyways!
  5. Pop Machines... where can I buy one?

    Some people think as sheep, other's as shepherds, and still others as the farmer... you, my friend, are a sheep.
  6. Pop Machines... where can I buy one?

    Fair enough! I guess as a newb I'm subject to a bit of hazing. As far as this being my last resort... actually it was my first. Just my way of throwing an idea out there to see what comes back... that's what's nice about message boards is that you often get a different point of view than your...
  7. Pop Machines... where can I buy one?

    Wow... what a nice welcome. Friendly bunch here! Looks like there's as many internet "tough guys" here as there were on JJ :)
  8. Pop Machines... where can I buy one?

    JJhuddle convert here... I've been a member here for awhile, but I've only been a reader :) Does Pepsi lease them out or something like that?
  9. Pop Machines... where can I buy one?

    I own a car lot, and I get a ton of people asking about a pop machine... I'm wondering where I can buy one? Does anyone know?? Thanks!