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Search results

  1. BehemothCU

    Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

    Thanks for having me. You guys were great. Awesome program, awesome fanbase. Best of luck guys. Muck Fichigan.
  2. BehemothCU

    Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

    Great game guys. One of the most entertaining bowl games I've seen.
  3. BehemothCU

    Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

    Really? 'Urban' is your coach. Not much better. I know Dabo isn't the greatest name, but come on. Urban. At least say we're dumb for being from the south, or we don't have teeth or something.
  4. BehemothCU

    Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

    What's up Buckeyes? First off, I would like to say that the overwhelming majority of the Tiger faithful are very estatic to be playing a team like Ohio State in our bowl game. After our two losses, this season sorta leaves a bad taste in many-a-Tiger fan's mouth. Playing a one-loss team in a BCS...