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Search results

  1. Deondre Francois (QB Florida State)

    This kid looks a lot like Kenny Guiton.
  2. TE Marcus Baugh (Birmingham Stallions)

    I am just putting out what I see on the surface. I know he is still a young pup but you have to be more mature. At least get wasted outside the public eye. Clarette started off with an alcohol problem and look at the path it led him to. I just wish the kid the best and want him to take this...
  3. TE Marcus Baugh (Birmingham Stallions)

    I think it is best to just release the kid. He obviously has an alcoholic problem. Meyer needs to just kick him off the team with a 3 strikes and your out policy. The kid needs to reassess his priorities in life and learn to control his alcohol consumption. Get help and grow up
  4. Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, B1G Championship Game, Sat 8 ET on FOX

    My thoughts about each offensive positions... O-Line - Did a decent job. WR - Way to NOT show up minus one good play by Brown. Way too many dropped balls that were catch-able. We need more "taller" play-makers" at WR, much like FSU has. RB - What more can you say about Hyde? He should of had at...
  5. Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, B1G Championship Game, Sat 8 ET on FOX

    Interesting post game article about the infamous 4th down call that took all of our momentum away. "It was my call," Meyer said. "I wanted to put the ball in the hands of the best player." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131208/ohio-state-urban-meyer-big-ten-title/