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  1. GoldenFlash

    Alabama 41, scum 14 (final)

    Did they completely redo the field? I can see the Cowboys yard lines.
  2. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    Zac Dysert has impressed me with his throws. I have seen him ranked as high as 7th in highest rated QBs this year.
  3. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    Our D Line will need to get pressure come 2nd half.
  4. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    My inner Tressel has me wanting to kick a FG. BUT I LOVE THE AGGRESSION!
  5. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    Millers deep balls fluttering has me a little nervous, but I will take it! :gobucks1:
  6. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    Either we have the hardest hitting Defense ever, or Miami has butter on their gloves.
  7. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    Miami got the ball to start the game, right?
  8. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    This feels soooo good after watching the Browns this preseason.
  9. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    I don't understand how they have been negative?
  10. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    I don't think were beating Miami as much as they are beating themselves.
  11. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    Our D Line needs to get some pressure. Absolutely none at all, and that is the key to stopping this offense.
  12. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    If we don't score on this drive, mark me worried.
  13. GoldenFlash

    Game Thread Ohio State 56, Miami of Ohio 10 (Sept 01, 2012)

    I would say the Defense looks lost too.