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Search results

  1. James Franklin

    360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

    *exhales deep breath* Wow what a game. That is what college football is all about. Miami came out how we thought they would, but we still couldn't do much. We felt like we had to blitz almost every down because if we let that great QB of theirs sit there and read the defense, then they would...
  2. James Franklin

    360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

    after Vandy wins...
  3. James Franklin

    360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

    Well, it's officially Miami week, we have a tough battle tomorrow, so we are asking the Vandy fans to be as loud as they can be. Miami is a great team, and Coach Mac is a great coach, this will be our toughest game of the season to date. We know if we can win out we have a great chance at...
  4. James Franklin

    360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

    I would like to answer a few questions that has been going around these parts over the last few days... I have a great relationship with Coach Mac over at Miami(OH) I do not hate him, why would I hate someone who doesn't know how to win? Our team is focused on FSU right now, but after we beat...