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Search results

  1. #15 UC-Santa Barbara +16.5 vs #2 tOSU (ov/un 132.5) Fri 9:45 ET, CBS

    UCSB / LBSU highlights This may be more appropriate, as it's a 4 minute highlight video of the Big West Tournament championship game against Long Beach State. Gaucho Hoops: Gauchos dance! #33 is Orlando Johnson, 6'5" sophomore guard who was Big West Conference MVP. #21 is James Nunnally, 6'5"...
  2. #15 UC-Santa Barbara +16.5 vs #2 tOSU (ov/un 132.5) Fri 9:45 ET, CBS

    UCSB / UCI video This is video footage of our last regular season game against UC-Irvine. It's 40 minutes of play broken up into six Youtube segments. Gaucho Hoops: UCI 74 - UCSB 77 videos