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  1. 2009 Big Twelve discussion (Dez Bryant)

    Too true! www.gnomefrenzy.com
  2. Game Thread Wisconsin 13, tOSU 31 (Oct 10, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN)

    I completely agree - our offense should put up some points (30ish) this week. Also, Wisconsin is turnover prone...they fumble the ball a lot. We force a few turnovers early and the game will be over. OSU 27-9 GnomeFrenzy - Garden Gnomes, Lawn Gnomes, College Gnomes, and Unique Gifts
  3. WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

    Exactly! TP continues to work hard each week and improve all aspects of his game (like his running needs improvement). I'm expecting a big game this weekend on both offensive and defensive sides of the ball. Bucks 27-9
  4. Game Thread Wisconsin 13, tOSU 31 (Oct 10, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN)

    I completely agree - game will start out close as we slowly wear them down with our stellar D-line play. A few Wisconsin turnovers will allow us to break it open late in the 2nd/early in the 3rd. Buckeyes 27-9. www.ultimatesportsdecor.com