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Search results

  1. Mike Singletary

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    With their final pick in the 2009 NFL draft, the 49ers select Jason Williams, LB, Western Illinois. Williams is a physical specimen at 6'1 240, and was a 2008 finalist for the Buck Buchanan award-best FCS defensive player-as a 1st team FCS AA. He jumped on our board after he ran several...
  2. Mike Singletary

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    The Niners and myself felt we got the steal of the draft w/ Mr. Knox. Most Kipperites are now projecting him as a 2nd/3rd rounder. After a very productive college career, all he did at the combine was show great hands and run a 4.34 40.....w/ that kind of speed, he'll be hard for me to catch if...