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Search results

  1. Todd Haley

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    It's a race to the finish line F it we're doing this live. Morgan :slappy: Trent What a pick man, what a steal (the agent I mean - I kid). Thing is KC and Scott and I were also looking out for a CB. So, we are happy to announce that Cary Harris - CB - out of USC is our final pick of the BP...
  2. Todd Haley

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    This is as good a time to break the details of the trade my good friend Ken and KC brokered. Matt Leinart to KC in exchange for KC's 2nd round pick. What you say - didn't I just say he was a damned beach bum? Didn't I talk him down because I was poking holes in Sanchez? Yes - I did. And if...
  3. Todd Haley

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    Hey - as Spags is waiting in the wings (or abusing puppies) let me let you all in on a secret. Pioli is really the brains behind this - any good, and all the bad from this years picks belongs entirely to him. He owns it, you hear me, he owns it. Anyway as for why no Sanchez - let me remind...
  4. Todd Haley

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    Hey is this mike on? I'm kind of new at this stuff, do BPSN want me on now or should we all wait for Spags to have his say? Did I mention KC is awesome? They even have a sunshine band!