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Search results

  1. Jim Mora

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    Final Pick With our final pick, Seattle selects: Todd Boeckman, The Ohio State University:osu: Cincinnati is on the clock...
  2. Jim Mora

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    Really wanted a change at running back here. Was not thrilled with Jones and think Ringer is a solid choice here. Looking to get Jordan Gross in FA to plug the left side of the line.
  3. Jim Mora

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    We can work with that... all options open at this point. Hell, you saw what I did with that running back Vick, didn't you. Chung may fill a D line position if I feel like it. This is a playoff team with me as coach...
  4. Jim Mora

    2009 BP Mock Draft

    With the 36th Pick in the 2009 Draft the Seattle Seahawks select Patrick Chung, CB, University of Oregon Cincinnati is now on the clock: thanks Eric! BTW, can i get Vick back?