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Search results

  1. LB Ryan Shazier (All B1G, All-American, 2017 Pro Bowl)

    Welcome aboard Ryan! :groove2:
  2. LB Ryan Shazier (All B1G, All-American, 2017 Pro Bowl)

    Dead link . So I will take it with extreme caution. LOL
  3. Jadeveon Clowney (DE Carolina Panthers)

    No mention of us anywhere so........ PalmettoSports.com ? Email ? Print December 08, 2010 Clowney has had a busy week By Phil Kornblut DE Jadeveon Clowney of South Pointe has had few spare moments this week as college coaches have blazed a trail to his school and home. LSU was in...
  4. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Bowl Finale (Closes Sat Dec 19, 4:30PM)

    Wyoming Rutgers Mid Tenn St Oregon St California SMU Ohio U Pittsburgh Southern Cal Kentucky Texas A&M UCLA Miami Fla Bowling Green Arizona Houston Stanford Navy Minnesota Tennessee Northwestern West Virginia LSU Ohio St Cincinnati N Illinois South Carolina Ole Miss East...
  5. Genron's Farewell

    Genron, I definitely enjoyed reading your posts. I thought it was pretty cool for you to do that cause it doesn't happen very often. I, for one, never doubted or doubt your credibility. Wish things had went different but, I wish you, LJ and his family the best. I hope his decision works out for...
  6. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 14 (Closed)

    Oregon St Ohio Alabama Nebraska Pittsburgh Georgia Tech Southern Cal Houston Fresno St Wisconsin Extra Game Connecticut
  7. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 13 (Results Posted)

    Texas Alabama Illinois Boise St Pittsburgh Florida St Georgia Tech South Carolina Utah Southern Cal Extra Game Notre Dame
  8. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 12 (Results Posted)

    Colorado Boise St Ohio St LSU Oregon Penn St Stanford Duke Air Force Oklahoma Extra Game Connecticut
  9. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 11 (Results Posted)

    Rutgers West Virginia Ohio St South Carolina Utah Pittsburgh North Carolina Wisconsin Stanford Oklahoma St Extra Game Cal
  10. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 10 (Results Posted)

    Virginia Tech Louisiana Tech Ohio St Connecticut Alabama Wake Forest Notre Dame Oklahoma Oregon St Florida St Extra Game Northwestern
  11. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 9 (Results Posted)

    Virginia Tech West Virginia Ohio St Georgia Oklahoma St Oregon South Carolina Minnesota Miami Fla Cal Extra Game Georgia Tech
  12. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 8 (Results Posted)

    Florida St Rutgers Ohio St Pittsburgh Penn St Tennessee Auburn TCU Missouri Southern Cal Extra Game Notre Dame
  13. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 7 (Results Posted)

    South Florida Pittsburgh Ohio St Cal Arkansas Oklahoma Georgia Tech Notre Dame Wisconsin Oklahoma St Extra Game South Carolina
  14. Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

    It's real simple in my eyes...put yourself in LJ's place as a lifelong FSU fan or his "dreamschool" as he says.... As a lifelong fan of tOSU and it being my "dreamschool" if I was being given the oppurtunity to go be a Buckeye for 4 or 5 years it would be extremely diffcult for me to turn that...
  15. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 6 (Results Posted)

    Nebraska Nevada Ohio St LSU Alabama Connecticut UCLA Oklahoma St Georgia Tech TCU Extra Game Hawaii
  16. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 5 (Results Posted)

    Colorado Louisville Ohio St Michigan St Tennessee Georgia Air Force Washington Cal Oklahoma Extra Game Wake Forest
  17. 2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 4 (Results Posted)

    South Carolina Missouri Ohio St South Florida TCU Virginia Tech Arkansas Oregon Georgia Iowa Extra Game Stanford