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Search results

  1. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    Distance is definately a factor for us. It wasnt long ago that we wouldnt even bother recruiting nationally. We used to compete against the likes of Fresno St, Portland St, San Diego etc for recruits. Now we recruit nationally and have just begun to bring guys in from all over the nation. We...
  2. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    "More like 75% of the city. I think that's the most shocking thing for recruits, such as when fans are asking for autographs and starting chants ON VISITS." Ya that happens here also. Honestly id like Boyd but we have two great QBs that are around for a few more years each so he would...
  3. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    I didnt realize Columbus was so big. UO only has an enrollment of about 20k. OSU definately has a much more storied tradition, no doubt about it. Hope to visit there someday. Maybe a home and home in the future. Good luck the rest of the way in the recruiting battles. -Howry
  4. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    "I don't know. Contend for NCs and play on a national stage" Shrug, we probably woulda been in the NC game last year had Dixon not got hurt as well as the 3 QBs backing him up. We also finished #2 in the nation in 2001. Shrug "Uhh...football!" We are ranked 15th to your 10th so its not that...
  5. Tajh Boyd (official thread)

    Boyd info from his visit. Some of the people that mentioned the weather. The weather in Eugene all weekend was low 40s no snow but rain. Portland is 2 hours north of Eugene and had around a foot of snow which isnt typical. We get snow here every couple years. There is also an airport here...