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  1. Michigan St 31 California 38 (Final)

    We made those mistakes in the first half, on the road, against a jacked crowd. Not at home during the 5th game of the B10 season. That is the main difference.
  2. Michigan St 31 California 38 (Final)

    You squeezed out a victory over a 4-6 place B10 team in MSU. I mean, it was a night game, the crowd was jacked, you were at home, and MSU committed a lot of mistakes. I don't know about you guys being in the Pac10 title race, unless the Pac10 is really weak this year. USC will likely crush...
  3. Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

    Wow, sorry to see that guys. I flipped on the BTN and saw Beanie go down. I feel terrible for the guy, he is a very talented RB with a great combo of power and speed. Why was he still in the game? Padding the stats for Heisman or something? Pryor looks great on his feet. That's scary.