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  1. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    There are a lot of dumb people on teh internets.
  2. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    Shark ******** Orca???
  3. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    Gazelle ****> Cheetaah
  4. NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

    Did this clown really just compare some USC players to Hitler? LOL...
  5. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    Pryor throws like a girl IMO. Good thing he is fast like a gazelle.
  6. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    OK, THNX. I felt like I was being picked on for a second. So is Henton 2nd or 3rd string now? All this yelling has me confused.
  7. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    WOW! Nice group we have here. Sorry I fucked up about Henton, I really didnt know anything that was going on with him.
  8. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    A lot more so than you will ever be. :gobucks1:
  9. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    It is amazing the news you can miss when you are out of the country for 8 months. Best of luck to him at Georgia Southern I guess LOL.
  10. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    Thanks man. I have been out of the country for a while and I am just now catching up on stuff. Thanks for the update.:gobucks1:
  11. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    I am having a hard time with this board. I dont even know how to get back to the main topic page, can you help me? Why is everyone laughing at me?
  12. When is Henton going to see some snaps

    This kid was supposed to be all World and I have yet to see him do anything other than mop up duty. Do any of you think he will finally see some snaps this year?