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Search results

  1. RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

    I am an Asst. QB coach at a private H.S. school (not to be named) in S. FL. I do it mostly for the joy of seeing these kids get into college and get an education. There are several other players in S. FL that OSU should look at as well.... I would say Gore from Columbus H.S. in 10' but it is...
  2. RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

    Jaamal Berry I have personally met this kid. He is impressive in every sense of the word, polite, has a good head on his shoulers, and plays football like a god. An important thing to keep in mind is that he plays in 6A in Miami, FL. The speed that exisits down here is incredible. He has run...