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Search results

  1. New B-Ball Uni's

    Right, they look nice..obviously. But I see they even included the NCAA logo on the front. Never seen that on a jersey that you can buy, before.
  2. New B-Ball Uni's

    Haha no no..just not a big poster idk why. Mostly read stuff, but this one I had to comment on
  3. Not an Ohio State tennis player. Just a fan. But a fan of all Buckeye sports of course.

    Not an Ohio State tennis player. Just a fan. But a fan of all Buckeye sports of course.
  4. New B-Ball Uni's

    The shorts and jerseys were just released for sale online. Pretty excited for that. But the close up shows they are dots, actually real holes.
  5. What song are you listening to right now

    Pink Floyd- Welcome To The Machine