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Search results

  1. JAMnola

    LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    That one Chris thats still open, is that the one by Toys R Us?
  2. JAMnola

    LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    Terrebonne Parish on the Eastern part of Acadiana. Houma is the major city there, many restaurants and stores (mostly on MLK Blvd.) It is SW of New orleans, about 45 min. away. From Louis Armstrong airport take the I-10 exit South to 310, then 310 past the Luling bridge to 90. Take 90 to Houma...
  3. JAMnola

    LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    If you have time while ya down here come down to the bayous in Terrebonne and you will find some good seafood. Boudreaux and Thibodaux's is a good place to eat. And if you wanna see some authentic cajun zydeco and dancin go to the Jolly Inn (also got some goood food).