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Search results

  1. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    More NOLA information... Touring: D-Day/National WWII museum (945 Magazine St.?enter on Andrew Higgins Dr.) So much to see? Historic New Orleans Collection is currently featuring a Sugar Bowl exhibit covering the history of the games since 1935 (533 Royal St.?in the FQ). Well, maybe too much...
  2. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    Welcome to NOLA Some recommendations: Central grocery for a muffuletta (923 Decatur St.). It will be crowded but the line usually moves fast. Take it to the river (a short walk) and eat it while enjoying a great view. Roast beef po-boy from Mother?s (with debris) (401 Poydras St.). Other...