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Search results

  1. I wanna turn it around: congrats to tOSU fans...

    ditto I have nothing but great things to say about y'alls fans, Ohio. Everyone I met was really great, having a wonderful time, and good sports. To Dawn, who was 6 Hurricane's into the day...at 2PM- way to hang like a champ! :gobucks1::gobucks2:
  2. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    Cannibalism is a dark and dirty swamp secret. I've already said too much... :D When you find a fun tailgating Krewe (yea, I meant to spell it like that) you'll be offered whatever they are having. Boiled shrimp or Gumbo & Sauce Picante with both probably made with local game or seafood. Fun...
  3. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    No thanks! I've always wondered why we in the south have the Superdome or the Georgia dome, but there is a Lambeau Field or a Soldier Field up north.
  4. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    Hello to all the Buckeye fans! Hello! I just wanted to come by and offer a hello and add my .02 I'm so excited about this game. Despite all the talk about the BCS I really feel like the two best teams in the country are playing. I've read through most of this thread and agree with all the...