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  1. Luv4LSU

    Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

    Just wanted to give you guys a one more "Good Luck, Enjoy the Game" shout! It's gonna be one great game! Hope your DVR is set! :) GEAUX TIGERS!
  2. Luv4LSU

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    This is actually a pic from Percy Quinn State Park in Mississippi. I was being carried away by mosquitoes while taking that picture! :D ...but as you said in your post, there are beautiful lakes around LSU campus.
  3. Luv4LSU

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hello guys! Another LSU fan visiting here. Just wanted to know what the talk was around your area. Good luck to you Jan. 07 ...but not too much :) GEAUX TIGERS!