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Search results

  1. I wanna turn it around: congrats to tOSU fans...

    Buckeye fans did their school proud... Way to show up for your team. I and everyone I spoke with was impressed by the numbers and the good-natured attitude of the OSU fans in New Orleans. Callers to the local sports radio shows this AM were throwing around adjectives describing OSU fans like...
  2. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    Glad to see you went there. It's a bit unknown even to locals but it's a gem. I was out on Bourbon Sat. night. Had a great time with the OSU fans going back and forth. It was all in good fun and I ran into nary a belligerent Buckeye. They're representing well. Y'all will outnumber LSU fans in...
  3. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    For folks who actually get away from the Downtown/French Quarter area I highly recomend New Orleans Seafood and Spirits in Bucktown or across the lake in old Covington. The seafood is excellent and the portion size is huge for a price of $10-17. I found that the food wasn't over-battered...
  4. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    Coop's roux is very rich, very dark. The gumbo has shrimp, crab claws, and oysters in it. You can taste a hint of the salty oyster liquor in it. It's not lightweight.
  5. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    I recomend the gumbo at Coop's on Decatur st. in the Quarter near the French Market. Coop's is a bar/small restaurant with servers who are fond of tatoos but I've never had a problem. The gumbo is, in my opinion the best in town. They also serve alligator and rabbit if you're curious. As far...
  6. Good times in the Superdome

    Actually Saints' fans don't get any shot at the tickets. I wish we did. Secondly, sorry about your experience in 2003 but all of the OU fans I ran into downtown and in the Quarter said they were having a blast. You get fans like that everywhere. You should hear some of the stories from...