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Search results

  1. BuckGuy27

    Ohio State 55, North Carolina 66 (Final)

    I have no idea what happened with Koufos tonight. 1 for 10 and absolutely no production on defense. I heard Stokes and Keels say on the radio on Sunday that the scouts' knock on Koufos was when he struggles, everything goes down hill from there and that was evident tonight. By the way we played...
  2. BuckGuy27

    RB Bo Delande (Walk-on)

    From watching Hilliard Davidson this past season, it was easy to see that Bo Delande WAS Hilliard's team. He was probably 95% of their offense which led them to a state championship title in one of the most competative high school football states in the country. That is a lot to be said, and...
  3. BuckGuy27

    Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

    I think it looks fine. The thought of it looking orange didn't even cross my mind until someone else mentioned it. Don't worry though, it will darken up once all of the black rubber is completely installed on the turf.
  4. BuckGuy27

    Men's Basketball Buckeye Tidbits 2007-08 Season

    07-08 Starting 5 Who do you all project to be Ohio State's starting 5 next season? What do you think about it? I project: PG: Jamar Butler SG: Jon Diebler SF: David Lighty PF: Othello Hunter C: Kosta Koufos A talented starting 5, but it is a bit of a dropoff from last season. There really...