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  1. Good game guys from Vol fan.

    I will have to :bang: if the gayterds win another title. Please dont let that happen!
  2. Good game guys from Vol fan.

    Yea, im proud of them. They have come so far in two years, and they left every ounce of orange in them on that court. Yes, im dissapointed but VERY proud of my Vols.
  3. Good game guys from Vol fan.

    Congratulations on a great win for your program. Phew, Im whipped out. Good luck to yall the rest of the way. Im crashing out now. Boy, what a game, I thought it was great for college basketball. Congrats and good luck again. GO VOLS!!!!!!!!! p.s. If ya'll get the chance, KICK SOME GAYTOR A$$!
  4. Come to Volnation

    And we both have one thing in common! Both Vol fans and OSU fans HATE the gaytors. YUCK!
  5. Come to Volnation

    Thanks, as a sport fan in general I have always respected OSU's athletic program. Your football and basketball teams achievements are what all D-1 schools should try to get to. Good-luck again and I hope we can some how manage to stop Oden. GO VOLS!
  6. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    Hi buckeye fans, I just wanted to invite you to www.volnation.com and feel free to talk to some Tennessee fans about our upcoming sweet 16 game or anything in general! On behalf of all Tennessee fans I want to wish you good luck, and hope to chat with you soon!
  7. Come to Volnation

    Hi buckeye fans, I just wanted to invite you to www.volnation.com and feel free to talk to some Tennessee fans about our upcoming sweet 16 game or anything in general! On behalf of all Tennessee fans I want to wish you good luck, and hope to see you soon!