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Search results

  1. Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

    What is the website??? I checked the Buckeye Corner website but could not find any examples of pics. Can you tell me where to go? Sorry, I am not the most computer savvy.
  2. Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

    Autograph Signing info? Anyone have any info. on any signings by members of the football team other than the night practice that is coming up? I had heard that they do some sort of signing at a local mall prior to the beginning of the season? Thanks in advance for any info. Kev:osu:
  3. Schott Center tickets for FB?

    I have heard rumors that you can actually buy tickets on game day???? Can anyone tell me details? Whe, where, how many, what time, etc??? THank you so much in advance.
  4. Buckeye Autograph Sessions (all merged)

    Logan's Charity Autograph signing Can anyone tell me which Buckeyes will be signing at the charity signing on February 17th at Logans Sports in Canton????