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Search results

  1. Richard M Nixon

    Have: 2 tOSU-Indiana tix - great seats

    Where are they and how much?
  2. Richard M Nixon

    How many pairs of shoes do you wear?

    :tibor: Isn't time to change your shoes? :roll1:
  3. Richard M Nixon

    How many pairs of shoes do you wear?

    Gayest......thread.......ever. Do you Nancies have matching purses? Sheesh.
  4. Richard M Nixon

    Poll concerning President usernames.

    I was going to have Nancy, but Sinatra got there first.
  5. Richard M Nixon

    Finish me...

    The other day I went insane in my stress relief, jerk resistant cotton panties. Today you regurgitated Sparkyneedstocheckhissigcausethewarehouseisfuckingwithhim.
  6. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Really, I agree. We need another crook like Kennedy needs a hole in the head.
  7. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Ding whining W? Have more rubies.
  8. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    One is always underfoot, I kick when I get mad, and sheds like hell in the summer. The other is my dog.
  9. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Fucking grammer Nazis....:shake: Jack: any good threesomes lately? How you didn't get Syphilis is beyond me.
  10. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    You would know, you papist.
  11. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    So, you're not a jelly donut anymore?
  12. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Jesus, Jack, that fucking thing is going to fall off, and then where would you be? Not banging ol' Pat, that's for sure.
  13. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Could you get your foot up high enough to kick anyone's ass, you old fart?
  14. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    I do owe you for pardoning me. But then again, I gave you the Presidency. I mean, what idiot would vote for you? One too many games without a helmet at scUM, if you know what I mean :crazy:
  15. Richard M Nixon

    Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    "47-21 scUM" :slappy: I wonder if the ND love fest will continue uninterrupted or not.
  16. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Probably that last whistle-stop tour in Loudonville, Ohio
  17. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    Another Hat-check girl? I told you to be careful with those minimun wage sluts.
  18. Richard M Nixon

    The former Presidents for usernames.

    I thought OSUSushich....err Jackie was a expert at that? Fuck any starlets today?