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  1. dissonance

    Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Thanks man. I will come and go quite a bit. Post here and there. Last week, I thought about the game. I looked at both teams. Seeing Texas ranked so high and OSU with so much talent coming back, offensively and defensively. It just seemed like a mismatch. I don't see a whole lot on Texas' side...
  2. dissonance

    Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    Hokie fan here. Reason I am here is because I am a fan of Ted Ginn JR and followed him his SR yr in HS when he was being recruited and into when he picked OSU as his school. I keep a very close eye on him and I never had any problem with OSU. I respect your school and can't stand Michigan. I...