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Search results

  1. DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

    Thanks for proving my point Mililani. :wink2:
  2. DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

    I understand your point Mililani, and maybe I got off on the wrong foot here. I've never questioned the opinions of those who are in-the-know, and never will. I readily admit they know much more than I about these kids. But with past history showing that things can and do happen (S...
  3. DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

    I'm not saying any of the insiders are wrong wadc45, I'm just waiting to hear it from the young man himself.
  4. DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

    "its funny how quickly people forget that Thad said, he there was a 65-70% chance to commit to ohio state, and tennesee was 2nd on the list." I just hope Thad hasn't forgotten that. I also wish I was as certain as some of you are that he'll be a Buckeye.
  5. What song are you listening to right now

    Buckeye Battle Cry on a GD Loop!!!! :D
  6. DL Nader Abdallah (official thread)

    Here's where the Boosters' cash should be used.