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Search results

  1. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    I am almost done downloading every game this season. The only 3 I have left is Indiana, Texas and Penn State. Indiana is almost done but Texas has stalled. If anyone could please seed it I would be greatful. Thanks!
  2. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    I auto-seed when my torrent completes. My main problem is timing out on the tracker 80% of the time. I plan on seeding the full image file through the weekend, maybe after depending on demand. I do have to install my DVD burner though to enjoy the game on my TV for Thanksgiving (cousin is a...
  3. TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

    Right now I am getting <1Kb/s a lot of time... I am at 84%, once I get the full disk I will seed through the weekend at least... any ideas of how to speed it up?