I miss seeing LRA around here. Glad she had fun!
Thanks for the monitor info, but I'm getting more computer and less monitor for now. :) I bought a pretty decent monitor a few years back when the old laptop was on its last legs and had to be perfectly still to keep a power connection. I've only used it a few times since then - the workspace is going to need some rearranging. I wouldn't mind a newer one, or two monitors, but it's going to be so fantastic to open files or make changes and not have to wait wait wait for everything to process that I'll be beyond happy without more gizmos.
Can't complain about this laptop too much. It's outlasted its anticipated lifespan, especially considering it's a refurb. Touchpad only works once in a blue moon, the sound can't be adjusted other than by controls on a headset because no driver is compatible with my mix-n-match setup, my handprints are permanently worn into the finish, and I have to keep a notepad file on the desktop so I can copy the letters for which keys are missing, yet it still marches on and does what I need it to do.