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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

MaxBuck;1581624; said:
The Tot has fallen down the fucking well.

What's that Lassie?? ... Tater fell into a well???
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I've never openly rooted for a player to not succeed for ohio state.

but does joe bauserman's less than stellar play (2 of 8 with two prayer completions) make you feel a little better about pryor.

nobody is calling for the backup anymore and i just feel that pryor is our guy through and through and his confidence is growing as should the fans confidence in him (which im still not seein)
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matcar;1581768; said:
He was less than 50% passing against NMST. Granted, there was at least one drop by Posey, but most of the "best" plays on offense in the first half were broken plays. I'd agree with others that when he steps into the pass, he's got plenty of arm, but the decisions still arent' great and going through progressions isn't something we see a lot yet.

I hope you're not inferring that from my post. I think there's no question he still has a ways to go but just stepping into his passes is a big step in the right direction, no pun intended. Of course, it's easier to step into throws against New Mexico State. Will he do the same against some of those big uglies PSU has?
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How i understand it best is what was said by a former QB coach from USC, who was talking about Pryor's struggles on ESPN the week after the Purdue game. He said that pryor was taking the ball out of the shotgun every single time. He never took the ball from under center. He also commented that Pryor needs some 3 and 5 step drops then step into a pass. Which i believe he accomplished a lot this week doing so. Look at the highlights someone posted, you will see he is taking his drops and making a decision early.

In a negative he does have trouble staring down recievers, which against a better defense wont work. But i am ok with it, he is a true sophomore and is still learning. There will always be mistakes but as long as he is getting better each week and working on those mistakes, then we will be okay.

I have said this all year, Pryor will take this team to a rose bowl this year then next year is our year. Everyone is a little older and our schedule will favor us.

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In my opinion, the secret of success for Pryor is not building the offense around him. We need to establish an effective rushing attack. Make the offense something more than one-dimensional and defenses won't be able to bet the farm on attacking Pryor every play. The O-line need to put up their hands and take on this challenge.
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Steve19;1581836; said:
In my opinion, the secret of success for Pryor is not building the offense around him. We need to establish an effective rushing attack. Make the offense something more than one-dimensional and defenses won't be able to bet the farm on attacking Pryor every play. The O-line need to put up their hands and take on this challenge.

I don't disagree with you here but on the flip side he is getting looks that he should be able to beat. NMST played a lot of man on Saturday and we still struggled a bit with this. I am willing to buy the weather issue(wind) but at times it still appears that he was out of synch with the receivers, especially Posey on several occasions. If teams are going to load the box it makes it awful difficult to run. We need to exploit teams when they play man against us especially with the skill players we have.

I have been more encouraged over the last two weeks but there were still a couple of questionable throws in there that should have been picked. No question he is going to need to take a big step forward over the next three weeks if we don't want to be playing in Florida somewhere on New Years Day.
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Hate to be Debbie Downer here, but Pryor's got some serious tunnel vision as well...

He does. I keep bringing up another point. I hear everybody saying "well Pryor is young, he is still learning, he has only been there 2 years. Etc, Etc. How does someone like Zach Collaros step in for Cinci, probably playing 10 plays in the 2 years he has been there, and immediately looks seasoned. He is just one example. And he was NOT a heavily recruited QB out of HS. I have to say I am having doubts as to how incredible TP is going to become. And trust me, I hope to hell I am wrong, but I just dont see it at all right now.

You can point out his games against Minnesota and NMST. I will say right back, it was against Minnesota, who looked HORRIBLE defensively, and against a pretty awful NMST team. Also dont think he looked that great against either.
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BrutusMaximus;1581871; said:
He does. I keep bringing up another point. I hear everybody saying "well Pryor is young, he is still learning, he has only been there 2 years. Etc, Etc. How does someone like Zach Collaros step in for Cinci, probably playing 10 plays in the 2 years he has been there, and immediately looks seasoned. He is just one example. And he was NOT a heavily recruited QB out of HS. I have to say I am having doubts as to how incredible TP is going to become. And trust me, I hope to hell I am wrong, but I just dont see it at all right now.

You can point out his games against Minnesota and NMST. I will say right back, it was against Minnesota, who looked HORRIBLE defensively, and against a pretty awful NMST team. Also dont think he looked that great against either.

I don't know if it is because Coach Tressel didn't want Pryor to be aggressive against Minnesota/NMSU where he could get injured on a power scramble. They may be saving Pryor for November where they will let Pryor be Pryor and create something out of broken plays.

I can't imagine Pryor getting injured before November. Imagine Bauserman facing Penn State, Iowa, and Michigan as a full time QB.
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Brutus, I think that we actually all agree here. We have a young man at quarterback who is not meeting expectations. I must say that I was surprised by his admission that he was taking things too casually and being a bit conceited. Pryor has nothing to be conceited about. He is a very average second year quarterback, so far.

Of course, that describes his progress so far and he may well still meet those expectations with hard work.

We don't need to bring back all of the comparisons to other quarterbacks who looked about like him in their second year and then went on to great things. It is likely that too much was thrown on Pryor's shoulders too quickly last year and his behavior today is a legacy of that. It would explain the difference in his performance and that of a second-string Cincy QB who had much more time to stand on the sidelines and learn.

We could be concerned that Terrelle Pryor may never live up to the hype. We might think that we are not seeing signs of his leadership of the team on the field during tough times. We might be deeply worried that Pryor might just never progress to a higher level.

I would argue that it is too soon for such a gloomy outlook. Not that you did, but on BP, we know that fans bashing this young man will not help him progress. Like many professional athletes, I hope that Pryor is seeing a sports psychologist who can help him play his best when expectations are highest. His game needs to reach a "whole 'nother level" if he is to achieve his goals to play in the NFL. I really do think that his problems are in his head and that, once he makes progress there, the rest of it will come right quickly.

So, far from holding such a high impression of himself, one hopes that Pryor's little speech to the team after the Purdue game came from a deep place. It's time for Terrelle Pryor to become Terrelle Pryor. Next year needs to be his year.
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I don't know if it is because Coach Tressel didn't want Pryor to be aggressive against Minnesota/NMSU where he could get injured on a power scramble. They may be saving Pryor for November where they will let Pryor be Pryor and create something out of broken plays.

Ok, no. I am so tired of hearing that "saving" crap :biggrin: Not takin shots at you or anything, but there is no such thing as "saving" our best football for later in the year. If that was the case, then we lost 2 games because we were holding back. Not a chance.

I would argue that it is too soon for such a gloomy outlook. Not that you did, but on BP, we know that fans bashing this young man will not help him progress. Like many professional athletes, I hope that Pryor is seeing a sports psychologist who can help him play his best when expectations are highest. His game needs to reach a "whole 'nother level" if he is to achieve his goals to play in the NFL. I really do think that his problems are in his head and that, once he makes progress there, the rest of it will come right quickly.

Agree completely. But one thing that I think is a problem on BP, is that there is an incorrect definition of "bashing". If I said. "Pryor sucks, he will never get better, bench him". That is bashing. However, not being 100% positive seems to be considered bashing by several mods/admins/etc. I have NEVER bashed TP, JT, Brutus, Joe Germaine, Earl Bruce, or any other Buckeye. :biggrin:

Anyway, getting back to the point. I honestly think that TP will get better and better. He could even become a very good college QB. I do not, however, feel that he will do anything in the Pros, unless its at a different position. (Which we all know how that turns out). He will absolutely improve, but I still think alot of us "doubters" or whatever you call it, are "doubters" because I can watch our offense, and then watch just about every other offense around the country, and see a massive difference. It cant all be because of inexperience, field conditions, gravity, or whatnot. Ohio State is one of the most prominent colleges in the country, so I know we are capable of playing with the best. That is why there are doubts. If, next year, we go to the NC.........I will happily eat my words, and everybody can tell me "I told you so" :biggrin:
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I've used the "saving" theory as a joke. (no smiley) I don't believe we have much that can be "saved" with this struggling offense. But, just maybe we are starting to get there on offense with an identity. Typical Tress team, peaking in November.
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I've been debating on whether or not to post this for the past few weeks, and I guess now is the best time as any.

I think it all goes back to coach Daniels getting sick. He did wonders with Troy and had Boeckman looking great in his junior year. As soon as Daniels became ill and coach Sic took over, Boeckman took a nose dive and we haven't seen the progression from Pryor that we should be seeing. I'm not knocking coach Sic, but he is the only common denominator.

Mods, feel free to move this to another thread if it doesn't belong in this one. I thought it kind of went with the conversation.
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I think it all goes back to coach Daniels getting sick. He did wonders with Troy and had Boeckman looking great in his junior year. As soon as Daniels became ill and coach Sic took over, Boeckman took a nose dive and we haven't seen the progression from Pryor that we should be seeing. I'm not knocking coach Sic, but he is the only common denominator.
Daniels was diagnosed before Troy's 06 season.

Todd's regression was not just a change in QB coaching. It was the result of playing better defenses (and no, PSU's wasn't that great in 07, see IU's 31 the week before and MSU's 35 a few weeks after) and the pressure getting to him mentally.
buckeyboy;1581983; said:
A good QB coach can work wonders with Terrelle.
He could, or Terrelle could continue to struggle in his progression as a passer. Sic isn't working with a natural passer who needs to work on little things to become special. He's working with a strong athlete who is a very unnatural passer.
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He could, or Terrelle could continue to struggle in his progression as a passer. Sic isn't working with a natural passer who needs to work on little things to become special. He's working with a strong athlete who is a very unnatural passer.

That is basically it. But I have never seen a natural athlete QB turn into a natural pocker passer. Not ever. Troy would be the closest thing to it, but I personally saw him as a natural passer from the start. at least more so than a runner. Its like they want to reinvent the wheel, before converting that wheel into a college athlete. Does that make sense? Hard to put what I am thinking into words :biggrin:
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