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2025 OH RB Marquise Davis (Kentucky Verbal)

No. Lock never had a relationship with him while at Oregon, so he's even further behind the 8 ball to recruit him than Alford was with Marshall in '24.
Besides, UK has made him much more of a priority than OSU would, with NIL and early PT.
Well I don't like any of that. Was willing to make a pass if Davison was in the works, which was my assumption. But I'll wait to see where the dust settles before I say anything about Lock, including setting the actual results on the field. Offseason talk is fun, but I don't make any bold predictions in the summer. I will say this is one where I think we're missing a huge Ohio talent and I have zero connection here, I'm just missing something unless it's academics or another issue?
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Well I don't like any of that. Was willing to make a pass if Davison was in the works, which was my assumption. But I'll wait to see where the dust settles before I say anything about Lock, including setting the actual results on the field. Offseason talk is fun, but I don't make any bold predictions in the summer. I will say this is one where I think we're missing a huge Ohio talent and I have zero connection here, I'm just missing something unless it's academics or another issue?
I hear you. But the issue with hiring Lock when they did, is that he comes in and has to utilize the relationships he's built. He didn't have time to build a relationship with a kid he never offered and never had a connection with. If Davis was in the 2026 class, I would feel a little more comfortable because it would give Lock a chance to work on building the relationship. But it spoke pretty loud when Davis chose not to visit OSU after Lock was hired. He canceled his visit to the spring game, the day before, and instead visited scUM.
He visited up north 4 times, and OSU 0(since Lock has been hired)...
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I hear you. But the issue with hiring Lock when they did, is that he comes in and has to utilize the relationships he's built. He didn't have time to build a relationship with a kid he never offered and never had a connection with. If Davis was in the 2026 class, I would feel a little more comfortable because it would give Lock a chance to work on building the relationship. But it spoke pretty loud when Davis chose not to visit OSU after Lock was hired. He canceled his visit to the spring game, the day before, and instead visited scUM.
He visited up north 4 times, and OSU 0(since Lock has been hired)...
And I definitely hear you on the timing of the hire due to Alford's departure. Hard to build a relationship at the 11th hour of a kid's recruitment. But Lock's relationship with Davison didn't pay off apparently and I don't like missing Davis. I'm not throwing Lock under the bus here given the tall task he had from Day 1, and the RB position is one of the most fungible positions out there. But no Davis or Davison is still disappointing from my view, though for Davis it appears the staff might not have thought as highly of his game as I did.
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And I definitely hear you on the timing of the hire due to Alford's departure. Hard to build a relationship at the 11th hour of a kid's recruitment. But Lock's relationship with Davison didn't pay off apparently and I don't like missing Davis. I'm not throwing Lock under the bus here given the tall task he had from Day 1, and the RB position is one of the most fungible positions out there. But no Davis or Davison is still disappointing from my view, though for Davis it appears the staff might not have thought as highly of his game as I did.

Agreed. Different coach same swing and miss on highly rated RB
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And I definitely hear you on the timing of the hire due to Alford's departure. Hard to build a relationship at the 11th hour of a kid's recruitment. But Lock's relationship with Davison didn't pay off apparently and I don't like missing Davis. I'm not throwing Lock under the bus here given the tall task he had from Day 1, and the RB position is one of the most fungible positions out there. But no Davis or Davison is still disappointing from my view, though for Davis it appears the staff might not have thought as highly of his game as I did.
Lock's relationship with Jackson and West paid off majorly though! And Davison is ranked in between both of them. And though we were all positive about getting Davison up until a few weeks ago, I'm sure seeing 2 other RBs in the class gave him second thoughts. It sucks not landing him or Davis. But Lock can still land a RB in the Portal in the winter and the depth takes no hit.
Plus, getting the lineman goes much further than another RB. Getting Odom instead of Davison or Davis is a MUCH bigger deal, IMO
Agreed. Different coach same swing and miss on highly rated RB
You know Lock landed a higher ranked RB than Davis or Davison? Jackson is the #3 RB on 247 and #5 on the composite, ranked over both.
Heck, I've seen from several analysts that West could've been in the top 10 of RBs, but he doesn't do the camp circuit. And in just the 247, Davison is #12, West is #13.
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Lock's relationship with Jackson and West paid off majorly though! And Davison is ranked in between both of them. And though we were all positive about getting Davison up until a few weeks ago, I'm sure seeing 2 other RBs in the class gave him second thoughts. It sucks not landing him or Davis. But Lock can still land a RB in the Portal in the winter and the depth takes no hit.
Plus, getting the lineman goes much further than another RB. Getting Odom instead of Davison or Davis is a MUCH bigger deal, IMO
On Jackson, I'm convinced we would have landed him regardless but no argument that Jackson is insanely talented and lessens the blow. I'm just a huge film guy and Davison and Davis blew me away on film. Not beating up on Lock at all, I think he was a great hire from what I can tell. I also like West.

Was moreso curious what happened with both recruitments. Specifically, did the two we are talking about decide to go elsewhere since they knew we had two RB commits. Agreed I'm much more worried about the line and I like the two we did land, but Davis I definitely wanted to see in Columbus after how electric he is on film. Who knows how it actually plays out, but it will be interesting to see play out.
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