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  1. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    I think we all understand that when we are talking Conference generalities, we are not speaking about USC or Ohio State. These two teams have dominated their respective conferences for years and even more so recently. Confrence statistics are skewed by the fact that the Pac10 plays 9 games...
  2. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Yes I understand that "nobody beats us to the outside" comment. That is history. However, any USC fan will say "nobody beats us between the tackles" Also history. What history doesn't take into account is that these are the two best teams of the decade. (Add LSU to make it 2 of the 3) History...
  3. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    If you have watched many USC games you know that PC will start out with short passes--flanker screens and FB flars for example. USC is historically NOT a pound it down the gut team. While USC is 50-50 pass/run the runs typically come late in the game in a clock burning situation. Things to...
  4. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Nobody is questioning the fact that tOSU will have an outstanding team. I asked the d-line question because Pete likes to establish the run just like JT. It sounds to me that tOSU has one less loss than USC from two excellent defensive lines. Thanks for the answer. Tom
  5. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Like I said previously, Mola that high was a suprise to me. It looks like Beanie vs. Rey on the inside and the ability of Todd 7 Co. to mix things up. In short a classic NFL offense vs a classic NFL defense. I would like some information about the tOSU defensive line in regards to its...
  6. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    I think one's view of Todd and Mark really colors your view of this game. Some USC fans saw Mark as the correct starter over JD Booty two years ago and believe that he will be an instant upgrade. If that is the case I like USC in this game. OTOH, as you say, Todd is a good qb with lots of...
  7. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    What Pete tries to do is create matchups. He is looking to get a big receiver on a small d-Back or a shifty McKnight on slow backers or a fast receiver on a slower d-back. Generally, Pete is not a here-we-come, bet-you-cant-stop-us type of smashmouth offense. Frankly, I have zero idea how USC...
  8. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Ironcol- The USC receivers couldn't get much separation and dropped many balls. Booty couldn't throw a long ball. The tight end, Fred Davis, was the go-to guy. In general, USC throws to the backs quite often. One development in spring camp is that McKnight "gets it" as a receiver out of the...
  9. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Schneider360- Actually I am not optimistic and for exactly the reasons you suggest. I think the presonnell package approach is all the Trojans will be able to generate at that point of the season and I think it is no more sophisticated that tOSU's O. Most USC sunshine pumpers will believe...
  10. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    This Game: Sophisticated Offense The issue #2 is CAN USC run a sophisticated offense the second game of the season, especially with a new quarterback and rebuilt offensive line. Buckeye86 asks if I really believe they can. It is the second game and after a bye week. That is a positive...
  11. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    This Game: Buck Run Game vs USC D It looks to me that tOSU has the more balenced team tho not necessarly the most talented team. It also appears that USC has a critical hole to fill at middle guard (D) and one guard spot (O). To balence this is the fact that USC is at home. In analyzing the...