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Search results

  1. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    Cheers to no injuries! YSU runs a smashmouth offense. No trick plays. We run off tackle and run the read option most of the time. Run, Run, Ball Control Run, Run. Expect short passes to the TE's and short hitch passes to the WR's to keep the D honest (This will not work against OSU though)...
  2. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    I wouldn't be suprised if YSU does not play as well as Akron or Kent, because this game is not really that important to the YSU season Except for the $$$$$$). If YSU plays the starters the whole game and one of them gets hurt, (i.e. Lost the leading tackler on D for the entire season against...
  3. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    The talent at schools like this is 1-A without the grades in general. Ouch!!!....... YSU IS a Nationally Accredited State Institution as is tOSU. Graduation standards are the same in these schools. I never had anyone less than a PhD education teach classes to me....The YSU engineering...
  4. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    Really, the best thing about the Football Championship Series is that most of the time things are actually settled on the field vs through voters in the media. Wish they would rotate each BCS Bowl Game as round of the playoffs in a bracket with the NC Bowl as the final game.
  5. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    Bleed S&G Sorry about that (the post)...........I lost my cool there for a minute............Didn't see the sarcasm remark. YSU gets a lot of smack from many other I-AA teams, was drinking a little....consider it an alcohol related incident. It is a frustrating game for fans that are both...
  6. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    My thoughts are the Buckeyes will score in the hig 30's and the Penguins will be lucky to score in the single digits. tOSU Defense should be one of the best in college football this year IMO. I have BIG expectations on how far the D will take tOSU this year.
  7. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    I just can't see Coach Tressel running up the score on his old team. I expect to see the Buckeyes play a "straight" defense and be very predictable and non-creative on offense. tOSU will not want to "show" too much to anyone on film this early in the year.:wink2: YSU game should be won...
  8. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    YSU is no Boise State (Although we beat them in the 1994 NC game) when it comes to play calling. Expect straight forward run and then pass. First ----RUSHING---- ----------PASSING---------- --TOTAL OFFENSE-- Return Penalty Turn- Opponent...
  9. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    SanClementeBuck, I would have to agree with you on the "brothers" statement. I feel that I am just as much a tOSU fan as a Penguins fan. We typically watch the Buckeyes in our tailgate lot at YSU before or after the games. The tailgate lot goes nuts when good things happen to the Buckeyes...
  10. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    OH8ch I would have to agree with the handicap statement. I felt that Coach Tressel did the same thing to Penn State last year. For some reason he seemed to be hell bent on running the ball against their top ranked rush defense. It seemed he had to win the game the hard way. I think that...
  11. Game Thread Game One: Ohio State 38, Youngstown St. 6 (final)

    I am new to this board, but not new to Tressel Ball. I can give much insight into YSU football. Coach always scheduled YSU games so that they would not interfere with Buckeyes games (only a handful of times I can remember this not happening). Our band will probably play the tOSU fight song...