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Search results

  1. Mark Sanchez (Philadelphia Eagles)

    KentStateBuck: "reading comprehension"--ever heard of it?? my post said that the call from KB had NOTHING to do with Mark's ultimate decision--i DID NOT say that the call had nothing to do with recruiting--also it was rds that said someone would commit or whatever by last night there is...
  2. Mark Sanchez (Philadelphia Eagles)

    Gee...Mark Sanchez to OSU..what a concept:wink2: I am indeed located in Austin and let me say its an honor to have my IP traced. Rest easy, its done. Ill take my cash payment in ten's and twenty's.... FIGHT ON!!!
  3. Mark Sanchez (Philadelphia Eagles)

    HinyG8--maybe if you throw out some more anecdotes or throw in a nanny-boo-boo ill tell ya..absolutely hilarious USCemper--the reason i posted originally was to simply let people know that MS had decided. Thats it. So you want to know the answer? Fine. Mark will announce for OSU to join his...
  4. Mark Sanchez (Philadelphia Eagles)

    MililaniBuck-- I NEVER said that MS had commited to UT--what i said was that MS has made a decision. its done. period. all this conjecture about "who's phone call is making him lean where" and "if x, y, and z is going to occur then MS might lean this way" is a complete waste of time. For...
  5. Mark Sanchez (Philadelphia Eagles)

    Ive never heard of you USCemper just kidding...all good points However, since all this is really conjecture by uninformed college football fans anways, why not further fan the flames--fact of the matter is that MS has already decided where he is going to commit--just a matter of making things...