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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

muffler dragon;1916549; said:
Do you miss the original Bug Eaters name?

Not so much. It doesn't have the cache that "Cornhuskers" has. You can't imagine the amount of tail I can pull in Wyoming bars telling the ladies I'm a Cornhuskers fan. It's crazy.

MaliBuckeye;1916546; said:
OK, I'll bite- Who was the team doctor under DeVaney and later Osborne?

Your grandfather.

EDIT - is this right? I just did a quick google. From my research it seems the good doctor's name is Sam Fuenning, but I didn't know this prior to your question. I was a babe in swaddling clothes when The Bobfather was winning championships in the early 70s.
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knapplc;1916556; said:
Not so much. It doesn't have the cache that "Cornhuskers" has. You can't imagine the amount of tail I can pull in Wyoming bars telling the ladies I'm a Cornhuskers fan. It's crazy.

Indeed. Cheyenne is a happening place.

Serious question (following lead-up): My wife's grandfather (Huge Husker fan) has been very clear on his disdain for Colorado prior to their departure to the Pac-12. Did the CU-UNL rivalry always exist quite strongly or was it after the Big XIII joined with the SWAC and you guys lost UO?
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Sorry - it took a while to type this. I had to clean the hurl off my keyboard.

I cannot stress this enough: There was no rivalry between Nebraska and Colorado. Never. Not once.

Back in the 1980s, after the Huskers had reeled off 18 straight wins over the Buffs and 24 of the last 25, CU coach Bill McCartney decided he needed to do something to stir up his troops. Bill decided to make Nebraska his team's "rival." He had the athletic department print the Nebraska name in big, red, bold letters on the team's schedule. He brainwashed his team into believing that a losing season with a win over Nebraska was still a great season. Their fans bought into it, and to his credit it worked - McCartney's teams won three out of five games against Nebraska from 1986-1990, and played us to a tie in '91.

Sadly, McCartney's career ended with three straight losses to Nebraska, a stretch that began another string of nine straight wins by the Huskers. Give McCartney credit, though. His strategy of focusing on Nebraska built his team into a momentary power, sharing a part of the 1991 Mythical National Championship and earning Rashaan Salaam a Heisman.

Basically, the reason this was never a rivalry is, neither Nebraska nor Nebraska Fan ever cared. You can't have a one-sided rivalry.

Why didn't we care? Easy. Colorado was not who we wanted to be. They didn't have anything we wanted, they didn't symbolize anything we weren't, and they weren't (typically) an obstacle in the path of our goals. Momentary success does not a quality program make, nor does one team's infatuation with another define a rivalry.

It would be equivalent to Iowa suddenly declaring that they are your rival. They aren't - Michigan is. Why? Because Michigan has a history on par with Ohio State. Michigan has major award winners, a number of (mostly disputed) MNCs, and they have often been the biggest hurdle on the Ohio State path. They would say the same about you, I'm sure.

In-conference, Nebraska's biggest rival was always Oklahoma. Once the yearly series was killed by the Big 12, that ended Nebraska's rivalry. We neither wanted nor needed another Oklahoma.

Iowa will not become Nebraska's rival by default, nor will Penn State or any other school. A rivalry cannot be created. It has to evolve over time out of blood and tears and on-field greatness. True rivalries aren't something you go looking for, they find you and they grip you all on their own.

So please, let's have no more of this talk of Colorado being Nebraska's "rival." It's embarrassing to the Buffs, and frankly I don't care enough about them to want to embarrass them.
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muffler dragon;1916586; said:
I should clarify that maybe my wife's grandfather's disdain for CU was the same as yours. I am the one who called it a rivalry, not him. Thanks for the feedback on it though.

yeah....some rivalry.

49-18-2, sCUmBeeeiotches.

They got lucky a few times, and they always hang their hat on that 60 point beatdown they got in on us in '01. Ask them when the last time they beat us was...been a few.

In fact...lemme get this out of the way.

The only teams that have a right to talk smack to Nebraska from the Big TeXas conference are OU and Texas. Plain and simple. Everybody else can STFU as far as I'm concerned, cause they brings absolutely shiat to the table, LOL.
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I'll help you out:







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BuckTwenty;1917381; said:
What's gameday in Lincoln like? I've heard great things about your fans.

Game Day is great. You'll find we don't have as much going on as some, and of course we don't compare at all to some of the great tailgating spots in the South, but there are a ton of tailgates everywhere, filled with friendly folks. You're more likely to be invited to share a beverage in a red cup (no drinking allowed, of course :wink2:) than to be verbally assaulted. You will not be physically molested in any way, nor will your car or your wife or anyone else in your party.

The party starts several hours before the game, both in the parking lots and in the bars throughout downtown and the Haymarket district, several blocks of groovy old brick buildings a few blocks from the stadium. Walk around, meet the fans, share war stories, that kind of thing. We'll be happy to have you, of course.

During the game you'll be treated well, without any batteries or urine-filled cups/bags thrown your way. After the game, win or lose, your team will be treated to a standing ovation as they leave the field.

Overall it's a pretty nice experience. Not as grand as some, but nothing to sneeze at, either. Visitors tend to like to come to Lincoln for games, and come back whenever they can.
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Gatorubet;1917365; said:
They're frugal people, the Nebraskans. Come from solid Scandinavian stock.

That's why the strippers in Lincoln have all of those nicks from the dimes tossed at 'em.

Note - you do NOT want to frequent any of the strip clubs in Lincoln. While we have our share of hot women, none of the ones you'd want to see in a state of undress work at these establishments. Save your money and your eyesight.

Also, those women posted above are not representative of Nebraska. There are some fine-looking ladies here. They just don't pose for pictorials or strip.
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